Toad Sues God



檔案大小:35.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Toad Sues God(圖1)-速報App

Toad Sues God is a folktale from Vietnam that explains the reason why it rains whenever a toad grinds his teeth. The story illustrates the courage demonstrated by a toad and his friends, who risk their lives as they journey to heaven to ask God why he hasn't made it rain for a long time. The moral of the story is to remind children that all living creatures, despite their appearances, have important purposes in nature.

Also, the punishment for harming a toad is "humorously" recorded in a poem which can be found only at the end of the story!


- 15 pages of touchable picture-word association.

- Fun animation with sound effects on every page.

Toad Sues God(圖2)-速報App

- Read-to-me or read-by-myself options.

- Highlighted narration.

- Play animation over and over with the "Camera" button.

- Skip/Jump to any page.

- Tap on any word to hear its pronunciation.

Toad Sues God(圖3)-速報App

- Tap on any object to hear its pronunciation and spelling.

Designed for children ages 3-8. Compatible with iPhone/iPad. Please visit our site,, to see more books. Thank you for visiting us!

Toad Sues God(圖4)-速報App
